Campaigning for Citizenship
for and with
People who have
Learning Difficulties

Welcome to VIA on the 'Net!

- a meeting place for our members, supporters, and allies

Values Into Action is a non-profit organisation which works to promote the rights of people with learning difficulties - also sometimes called learning disabilities, mental retardation, or intellectual impairments. VIA believes that people with learning difficulties have the same rights as other citizens -

These pages are here not just to promote VIA, but to support all those who share our values and concerns.

Find out more about -

 VIA's aims and history.

VIA publications

 Services from VIA.- and - VIA events
Campaigns - by VIA and allies

 Activities and plans in VIA.
Open noticeboard

 How to join VIA.

This site is maintained for VIA by Steve Dowson, and Andrew Holman,

Page design by Steve Dowson.

The site has only just been launched, and we shall welcome comments and contributions to help us improve it. We are particularly concerned to think up ways to make the pages more accessible to people who have learning difficulties - a bit of a challenge in a medium which relies on text.

The pages look best in Netscape.

Last updated 21 November 1995